Near Year’s Resolutions

It’s January 15th and two weeks into 2019. On New Year’s Day I hung out with my friend who was in town for the holidays. She asked me if I had any resolutions for this upcoming year. I had to stop and think. I told her I hadn’t made a list or anything but I thought about some things i would like to start or accomplish in 2019. I’ve been starting on my goals but I don’t have anything to hold me accountable. Writing everything down will make it a reality instead of having everything in my head like a dream. So here’s my New Years Resolutions for 2019:

1. Read more books. I was a book worm when I was younger but after high school I didn’t read as much I used to. Summer 2019 I stared the Glennbroke Series and finished all 8 books by the end of the year. Robin Jones Gunn is my favorite author and I’m going to try to reread as many books written by her this year,

2. Crochet frequently. A couple years ago I crocheted a blanket for my friends as a wedding present. It took over a year to finish the last stitch. After that i was burned out for crocheting for a year. I started back up during the holiday season and hope to carry on through out the year.

3. Learn a language, or two. In high school I took two years of French and loved it. I adored my French teacher and the language she was teaching me. I use the app Duolingo to further my knowledge of French. Lately I’ve been watching K-dramas and have been itching to learn the language. So why not?

4. Travel. The last place I traveled to was Portland in Summer 2017. Considering that I live close to Seattle, Portland is a weekend road trip. This year I want to put my passport to good used and get stamped to go to Europe. This has always been a dream of mine to experience European culture in England, France, Sweden and Switzerland.

5. Be fit. As a gymnastics coach I exercise few times a week with my students in classes. I’d like to take classes of my own of yoga, dance, ballet, jazz, hip hop, pilates, pole dancing and gymnastics. I do home work outs occasionally but I need to get a gym membership so I can be motivated to go out and stay healthy.

I feel like all this resolutions are very common but I’m twisting it to make them my own. To have goals like everyone else but still be me. I hope when I can still remain motivated when January is over and routines are made and lost. I believe in myself. Cheers to a new year and a new me!